Monday, 17 January 2011

Hallo from the Windee City!

I am obsessed with the weather.  I will explain - I live in Edinburgh.

I call it the Windee City because the weather is so unpredictable that it's tempting to stay at home and watch the world through your windee (Scots for window).

In fact we get a lovely cool gale force wind directly in from the North Sea, oh, 365 days a year, expect in Leap Years when we get that extra blast of cold on Feb 29th.

Chicago has nothing on us.  You may get your sub-zero, artic winters but we get swirly gusts from every and all directions.  All the time. 

Edinburgh is fab in August.  It's a great place to visit anyway but the Festival (main one, fringe, jazz etc etc) means the whole place goes mad.  But no matter how nice the weather is - we do get sun and it can be in the 70's or even 80's I can guarantee you one thing - wind. 

A breeze here, a breeze there.  They say in Edinburgh "You'll have had your tea" inferring that we are tight with our money.  Well I say "You'll have your coat" because no matter what the weather is like when you get up in the morning you will turn a street corner and get a blast of good old healthy North Sea air.

So, I'm not obsessed I just live in Edinburgh and it's self preservation.

By the way, the snow has melted and I think we have floods on the way!

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